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Encoo Communications

Encoo Zoo Family Day, a big hit!

October 26th saw our dedicated team and many of our Edge Partners and their families swing into the Royal Melbourne Zoo for our inaugural Family Day.

It was our chance to thank those you've supported us and come on board as channel partners in our exciting telecommunications business, as well engage with our own staff and families. Family plays a big part in our business, and as one of our values, bringing it to life was a fantastic experience for all and a wonderful opportunity to live what we stand for.

Jackets and brollies were the order for the day as Melbourne tried it's best (as it commonly does) to hamper spirits by presenting us with a cold, wet and windy day. However it did not deter our love for seeing Zoo animals and gathering for a very special celebration, (luckily we'd planned an indoor event).

Those in attendance enjoyed spending time in the Leopard Lounge Pavilion that we called our 'animal enclosure' on Zoo grounds for the day. Inside many were charmed by the soothing tones of our two piece acoustic duo as they munched on a delicious buffet lunch (amply more enjoyed with a few fine beverages). When the children weren't tucking into the buffet they were being busily entertained by our roving magician. He had many a child stunned in disbelief with his slight of hand work (as well as many parents) and magic tricks!


Children also enjoyed having their faces painted by the two very talented artists on hand. Looking across the room at times it was almost as if we were in an animal enclosure. The array of painted animal faces, crowned with headband and tail sets they'd received in their special Zoo Family Day Kid's Bags was a great sight to behold.

From time to time families braved the cold and took to the Zoo Grounds (with coffees in had) to seek a glance of their their favourite Zoo animal. On such a cold day, the butterfly and reptile enclosures were a smart place to visit.

Although our Family Day and Encoo Mascot 'Edge the Monkey' did share that opinion as he almost become a Python's morning snack! Fortunately he was still about at the end of the day when he helped Ash announce his own Photo Competition - which was awarded to Edge Partner Systima for their 'Monkey Dunk' photo. Other partners also took home prizes – an annual Zoo Membership for following us on LinkedIn and a $100 Zoo Voucher as a door prize!

It was probably also worth noting that no partner left empty handed on the day as all received a cool Encoo Communications coloured KeepCup on the way out to go with the good time they had.

In what was a first here at Encoo (and hopefully wont be a last) the day was also a terrific opportunity to converse in a relaxed environment and for many of our team put faces to Edge Partner names. We thank all who joined us an made this day a great occasion. Hopefully we'll do it all again next year.

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